064: Ten Art Studio Upgrades That Have Had the Most Impact


In this episode, Roben-Marie and Sandi discuss the studio upgrades that have made the biggest impact on their creative lives.

Roben-Marie's Upgrades:
•Using dressers to organize items by type that I don’t want or need to see.
•Investing in pretty bowls, mugs, tins, boxes, etc. in which to organize my art supplies.  Being surrounded by my supplies in a “pretty” way inspires me and feels special.
•Using white light bulbs for existing ceiling lights and investing in light boxes to brighten the room for not only working but for filming.
•Reworking my space from time-to-time so that it works for me.  Changing things up and moving things around so it better fits the way I create as I change.
•Two large trash cans (tall basket/metal on wheels), multiple extension cords and a bench instead of a chair.

Sandi's upgrades
•Creating the studio that represents the artist that I am today
•Creating stations for the mediums/techniques I use most
•Making my studio match my creative style (need no clutter? do it!)
•Adding more lighting! Make sure I have enough lighting and take full advantage of natural light available.
•Find a space. Honor that you are a creative and this is important to you overall happiness.

In this episode, Roben-Marie and Sandi discuss the studio upgrades that have made the biggest impact on their creative lives.

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