051: Connection as an Art Tool


Roben-Marie Smith and Sandi Keene discuss personal connection as an art tool in your creative life on the first episode of Season Three!


  • How one-to-one or global community attachments can change you as an artist

  • Virtual work-togethers that inspire and encourage all the participants

  • Tap Into your Creativity in My Studio series with @SandraFeleArt episode with Roben-Marie 

  • The resurgence of "snail-mail" in the artist's community as a way of connecting

Roben-Marie Smith and Sandi Keene discuss personal connection as an art tool in your creative life. How can artists and creatives connect and create a supportive community of like-minded artists.

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051_Connection as an Art Tool-Final.m4a - powered by Happy Scribe

Hey, there and welcome back to the Creatives Get Real podcast. We are so glad you're here!

I'm Roben-Marie Smith

And I'm Sandi Keene. And we're thrilled to be here with you.

Hey, Robin. Hey there. How are you doing?

I'm doing good. How about you? Welcome back. Yes, we are back. We are now in season three. And guys, if you are new to our podcast, be sure to hit the subscribe button. You don't miss any episodes. Yes, that would be nice.

We would love to have you join us or have us join you in your art room or at your at craft table wherever you are. We would love to join you.

Absolutely. So what are we talking about today, Sandi?

Today, we're going to talk about connection as an art tool.

Connection as in something that we connect in our art or connection, as in with people?

With me, it's always about people and relationships and that one to one thing.

Yep! Well, that's not always one to one. It can also be, you know. You know, maybe a small group like, you know, groups that are kind of connecting. In fact, I just signed up for a mastermind and I'm really excited. It has been many years since I've been a part of the mastermind group. And basically, it's just we get together and plan either co-working days where we're all together, co-working, or we just get together and talk about a topic and different things. We help each other and learn from each other because we're all from so many different businesses that we have different perspectives on things. I'm really looking forward to that. And it's funny because we were going to talk about this today and I just signed up for one. So I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes.

So how many people are in a mastermind?

Well, it depends. I've been in mastermind groups that were as small four people, which was really nice because we would get on Zoom and we could see each other and we'd really have a lot of time for each one of us to talk, and usually with something like that, you generally have a plan or something that you're following or there's a topic for that particular session or whatever it is. And you can even do hot seats where somebody gets up and they're the one that everyone's asking questions of. And you're trying to help that one person. The one I just signed up for, I think has about 15, which is largest one I've ever been a part of. So I'm kind of anxious. We just signed up. So I have no idea how it will play out, but I'm looking forward to it because, we've talked about this before. We get so we're isolated a lot. You know, working for ourselves or being at home and just being creative. Even if you don't have a business, sometimes you just need that extra: Hey, what about this idea? How about that? And that really comes by having that connection and being a part of other people's lives, whether it's just one on one or a one in a few or whatever. So, I'm thinking about that the other day because I just signed up for that.

Hey, I have one more question about Masterminds, since I've never been part of one. Is everyone in an art or creative business or is it across the board?

In the one that I signed up for, it's all entrepreneurs, so we're all in different businesses. And actually, the one I was a part of before was the same. That group I had a wedding photographer, a destination planner and there was another girl in there who was more artsy like me, and she had a stationery business. And then one girl was a web designer. So, actually there were five of us, including me, there was five. So, yeah, kind of diverse. But yet there were still some similarities. And even if you're in a different area, there are still a lot of things that are very common in running a business.

So it actually is good because then you do get perspectives from different backgrounds or different people and businesses.

That sounds really interesting.

I'll keep you posted.

Yeah. Update us!! Yeah, it will be fun. OK, so let's talk about how we personally use our experiences of using connection as an tool. And I've got to say that if it weren't for the people in my lives, the friends that I have, who are also artists or creatives. I wouldn't be an artist. I know I would have given up by now... there's no way I'd be coaching and teaching classes and on a podcast.

That's true.

I would probably just be doing like adult coloring books in my spare time and calling it a day, truly.

It's those people, those relationships. Interestingly enough, today on Instagram. I was posting a photo of something that I had done that I'm really struggling with. And it's something that you are very good at. So I probably should be talking to you. Please help me. But I've been doing some paper collages in a project that I'm doing, and I have to say I stink at it. And I was posting about struggling and think, you know, hey, I really suck at this. And I got the sweetest comments from people saying, you know, just lovely things about. Well, they were cute. They were using my things back to me, like saying the colors are pretty.

You can always find something nice to say, right?

Yes! So, but it was so sweet that, you know, the community, the Instagram community was reaching out and encouraging me.

Right! And then that encourages you to keep going and not give up on it.

Yeah! I do want to keep going, but I'm also going to be going at it with great humility, knowing, yeah, I stink at this. And these are going to suck, but that's OK because that's where we all start. We all can't be good at everything.

Think about when you started doing watercolors, right. Yeah. And I think it's funny because I think that and I've had people say this, that it looks so easy. You're just having papers and throwing them down on the paper or whatever and you're like, "not exactly."

Yeah. And I'm like, well, I understand composition. I do composition all the time. I should be good at this. Oh, no, I'm not. I stink! But it's so cool to have that connection with other people who who hold you up when you're like dang!

That's right. That's right. No, I think that's great. And especially, you know, being that we all often are by ourselves creating and so many of us live in so many different I mean, think about how global our communities are. That you can be encouraged and you can be connected to somebody who is in Portugal. I'm thinking of Francisca. And just how encouraging she is to me and how I adore her. And yet she's all the way in Portugal. And I've seen her on video calls, but I don't know if I'll ever meet her. But I feel like I know her. I feel like if I got together with her, it would be like we had always done that, you know? That's so special when you have those connections with people.


Yeah, for sure!

I was just going to say, I know that, you know, whenever I get into a rut or I just hit a creative block, the best thing in the world I can do is Facetime with another creative, especially someone I'm close to and just work together and see what they're doing and be able to say, hey, I'm stuck right here. Can you. You know, what ideas do you have? How can you help me? And then just to throw out a few suggestions and you're like, that's all I needed. I'm over that block and I'm creating. And it's just so much more fun when you have, you know, someone else working alongside with you. And you had an experience like this recently. Tell us about that.

Yes. Let me explain. Let me tell you what it was. It was a project. It's still going on now. And I know that. It's called Tap into your creativity. It's time in your studio, basically. Sandra Fele Art. She's out of Minneapolis. And she's a fine artist. She's a non objective artist. So it's very abstract, but there's some differences with it. I'm not really sure I can even explain it. But she's been doing interviews on Instagram Live. I think she started in March with this. And it was a lot of it was her response to what can I do during this lockdown during this time? Her husband's a physician, so he was going in and helping people every day, and she was feeling like, what can I do? And so she felt like it was a way for her to encourage others and give a platform for artists to share their studio space and their process and talk about their work. And sometimes it's just nice just to be able to have that audience and just say, well, here's what I do. You know? And so she started that and she does it Wednesdays and Saturdays on her Instagram channel. And she does the interview with. I mean, the artists they run the gamut. I mean, there are some very amazing fine artists in this group. And when she reached out to me. It was like, I think that maybe you have wrong, I'm not what you want for your show. And she's like, wait a minute, you know. So, here was I was getting encouraged by her. But, yeah, she's like, no, I want you on my show. So it was awesome because I was able to bring people were able to come in and learn about me and my process and then I was able to do like some of the artists do a demo. You'll walk through your studio space. And then what's really cool is when the artist is showing her space or his space, you can ask questions and say, what is that? Show me what that is, and so you're you're getting to see this amazing, very broad perspective, all these different artists in their studio spaces, and their processes and get to ask them questions, which is really cool. And she started that. And I know she's booked until like the end of September. It's been an amazing, amazing project. And then she asks each artist to create an original piece, 10x10 and then at the end of the month, she sells them as collections for donation to raise money for Feed America. She just did the first or second collection. I know mine was in that one because I think I was interviewed the first time. It was either March or April. And it was sold for $5,000 and then she got a matching donation. So $10,000 was raised. And they're still a lot months to go. I know, but it's been and I interviewed her actually. We decided, hey, you're interviewing all of these artists. Let me interview you. And she was able to share how just how what it's done for her to open her up to this community of artists. And one of the things that she said that she realized is just how generous this community is and what it meant to her, because she's on the other side and she's doing this, you know, this is not something she's doing as a job. I mean, this is all her time to be put into this. And she's done an amazing job with it. But she just said it has opened me up to so many amazing artists and creatives that I never would have met and never would have communicated with. And I even talked to more than. And she and I do. You know, so it's kind of cool that we made a connection even. So you just never know where those connections are going to happen or, you know, where they're going to take place or what it's going to look like. But I just feel like I feel closer to the artist community. Just having watched them, whether they're live and I can tune in or whether I'm watching them on the replay. And it's for a good cause and it's it's benefiting so many who are home and otherwise aren't going out or can't go out or whatever. So it's been fun. I actually got interviewed twice. Once was for the art and my studio. The second was all about Maker's Tech U and my helping of artists and makers to overcome the tech challenges that they have. So that was a different perspective on that one.

That's really interesting.

Yeah, we'll put information in the show notes about this for you guys so that you can tune in and watch past episodes and even catch the ones if you're listening to us now in real time. There's still plenty more to come.

I would love the link myself. That sounds really interesting because, you and I know, how many people say to us that they listen to our podcast while they are creating so that they have company. Yes. That they love the friendly voices in their room with them. And I know that when I create, I often listen to a podcasts for the same reason is that, you know, it does get lonely and it gets quiet. So just having that can be can be such a spark to your creativity. The other thing I wanted to mention is that lately I have been getting so much more snail mail than ever before and people just reaching out to each other and sending, you know, what we used to call happy mail, you know, an envelope that has some little goodies in it. And that has been wonderful just to connect with people and have that little ray of sunshine come to your home when maybe it might be the exact day that you need that.

Doesn't it always happen that way, though.

Yeah! It comes on the right day at the right time.

Yes! It's so wonderful when that happens. So, yeah, I would I would like to encourage people to continue to connect and to reach out to each other. And if you feel up to it, you know, write somebody a card and throw in a couple little pieces of art or some little fun thing that you're pretty paper that you're working on.

Papers are easy! We all have those. You can just cut pieces and assortment out and just pack them in a little envelope or put them in a card and just send those out. It doesn't take much.

Right, but it brings so much joy. It's such little effort for such a huge payoff.


Yeah! Connection...it's a big deal.

It is really important at all times. Not just during this time, but also at all times, I mean and like you said earlier about you don't you probably would not be who you are as an artist today without those connections. It just reminds me so much of our story about how we connected in the beginning and how it was at a difficult time in my life. And I remember, you know, that first time we met, we met for not coffee at Panera and then you had come over and I remember thinking after you left, there is no way she is ever going to want to spend any time with me again. I was the worst company, you know, but I was just dealing with something. It was very difficult in my life and you know what I think where would I be even if we hadn't made a connection? And you had it been a part of my life to inspire me and encourage me and help me along my path as well. And I'm just thinking, wow, I feel so blessed to have that. And I mean I know our connection is probably bigger than most. You know, it's a friendship even beyond just every now and then we see each other or, you know, or we're in a group or whatever online. But those connections, if you had never reached out and said, hey, you know, you live 20 minutes down the road from me, you want to get together? Who knows what would have happened.

Yeah! We know what would be happening. I would be coloring in adult coloring books.

And you wouldn't have a sewing machine.

I would not. I would not!

I would still be totally anti-sewing machine and convinced I was right.

Yes. Oh, there you go. There you go. Yeah! You know what? That's what's great about those. You know, those relationships and connections is it's not. Sometimes you have to have the tough conversation or, you know. Let's talk about this. That's great. That's great.

It's like a marriage sometimes, you know, you have to work things out between you because the relationship is way more important than the problem. Like, whatever this is, we will fix this.


It's cool.

We encourage you guys connections are important. And even if let's say you're in a Facebook group and there's several people in that group and you're kind of like, I think I like this person or I feel like I connect with them as Sandi mentioned, just reach out to them and say, hey, can I get your address? I want to send you something. Right. And then just send them a card or send them some bits of papers and arts or whatever just to encourage them and if you can't do that, then just send them an email and encourage them that way. It goes a long way!

It does! And then maybe you Facetime or you Skype or you Zoom together and you get to see each other's face and in their studios. And you know all that goodness.

You're right. Awesome. All right. Well, that's what we got for you today, guys.

We're glad to be back and we're glad to be in your studio or in your car or in your ear wherever we are and being together and connecting.

Yep. Absolutely! This is our way. We can connect with a lot of people. So it just brings us joy. Thank you again, guys. And until next week, again, subscribe. Leave us a comment. We love hearing from you!

Connect with us!

We want to hear from you!

Absolutely. We need connection just as much as everyone else. That's right. That's right. All right. Well, we appreciate you guys. And until next time. Take care.