035: 10 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid


In this episode, Roben-Marie Smith and Sandi Keene discuss the Top 10 Social Media Mistakes that Most Creatives Make.

We discuss the mistake, the likely consequences and solutions that have worked for us. Audience building is one of the biggest areas that creatives are focusing on as they decide if they want to grow into a business.  Hobbyists enjoy the sense of community that occurs as you build a following of like minded souls.

Items Mentioned:

Topics Discussed and Key Points

•Limiting your audience unknowingly with polarizing topics and words.
•Infrequent posting
•Not using your caption to your best advantage
•Underestimating the power of hashtags
•Putting all your eggs in one basket
•Not building community by not engaging with others
•Posting when nobody is looking
•Using too many graphics
•Speaking to your audience in a group non-personal way
•Posting dark, blurry photographs

Roben-Marie Smith and Sandi Keene discuss the Top 10 Social Media Mistakes that Most Creatives Make. We discuss the mistake, the likely consequences and solutions that have worked for us. Audience building is one of the biggest areas that creatives …

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