017: To Blog or Not to Blog
Should you be blogging as an artist?
Topics Discussed and Key Points
•Is blogging dead?
•Can you build a business or art community without blogging
•Positioning yourself as an expert with a blog
•The difference between a blog and a website
•Repurposing blog posts
Roben-Marie and Sandi put on the gloves and debate blogging from opposite sides. Roben-Marie says it’s a must, while Sandi simply says, “Don’t bother.” However, they quickly come to agree on a middle ground when it comes to writing articles to boost your brand.
Is blogging dead?
Roben-Marie says that while she continues to blog today, the blogging landscape has changed a lot within the past five years. With the advent of LiveJournal came the online diary, whose popularity rose to the point that there are many people—even today—who make a living from their blogs.
Sandi, on the other hand, says that if traditional blogging (i.e. the online diary) isn’t dead, then it’s on life support, and that there are better ways to spend your energy.
The two agree, however, that the keys to a great blog today are how specific your theme is and the educational value of your posts. Unless you’re a celebrity, an online diary won’t fly in modern internet culture.
“Today’s blog is a marketing tool and a way to position yourself as an expert in your field.”
Today’s blog is a marketing tool and a way to position yourself as an expert in your field. A big tip is to prompt your readers to join your email list. That way, you’re also creating a community.
No, blogging isn’t dead. “It just depends on your needs and what you want to do with that blog,” concludes Roben-Marie.
Another advantage of having a blog, according to Roben-Marie, is the ability to repurpose content from individual posts. Quotes can be turned into graphics or Tweets, for example. You don’t need to put out a new article every single day; but by being smart about how you plan out blog posts, you can increase your level of exposure and community-building on social media.
Our hosts continue to find common ground in that they believe a website is more important than just having a blog. Your website is a one-stop shop for everything a follower needs to know about you—and it may or may not include a blog depending on your goals. It’s also a resource that you exclusively own, unlike a social media profile. In other words, your website is your home base.
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