Inside the Roben's Nest: A Peek at the Patchwork Collage Project


Inside the Roben's Nest: A Peek at the Patchwork Collage Project

In this video, join me for a behind-the-scenes look at the exciting projects happening within the Roben's Nest community membership. This month’s project is called Patchwork Collage.

Take a peek at my completed paper collage and then a quick flip-through of the two handmade booklets made from the collage.

If you're curious to learn more about this vibrant, creative community, just click the link below:


Patchwork Collages Created By The Roben’s Nest Members

colorful, mixed media, patchwork collage, mini journals, pamphlets created by Roben-Marie Smith inside the Roben's Nest Art Membership

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