Inside the Roben's Nest: A Peek at CREATIVE TABS SWATCH RING



This month, we’re exploring the art of mixed media tabs—because let’s be honest, everything is more fun with a tab on it!

You’ll create a sampler of unique, handcrafted tabs, attach them to shipping tags, and turn them into a swatch ring. Think of it as your go-to library of inspiration, ready to add that perfect finishing touch to your journals, collages, and beyond.

This project is both decorative and functional—like a pocket-sized mood board for your creativity. Plus, once you start adding tabs, you might just want to put them on everything. (Not responsible for any sudden urges to tab-ify your to-do lists, snack wrappers, or pets. 😉)

Take a peek at these fun projects and see what the members are creating lower in this post.

If you're curious to learn more about this vibrant, creative community, just click the link below:


Creative Tabs Swatch Ring Created By The Roben’s Nest Members


The Roben’s Nest Guest Artist

Mary Beth Shaw
Make Clear Parts with Stencils


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