How to Set up a Custom Watercolor Palette


How to Assemble a Custom Watercolor Palette

While there are many lovely watercolor palettes on the market for purchase, creating a custom watercolor palette of your own means you get all the colors you love all in one place.

It’s really quite easy to create your own watercolor palette. First, find a case that has enough space for the number of colors you want. I like this Watercolor Tin Palette Paint Case.* It’s roomy and holds 52 half pans of individual colors. To maximize the space, I use the half pans,* which are sold separately.

Once I have purchased my assorted watercolors in the tubes, I squeeze the watercolor into the pan and label the pan with a number using a permanent marker. This number will then correspond to the number on the key.

I like this method because it take up less room on the key and is easier to match with the pans. The pans are too small to write the full color name on them.

I also have a written key on a separate piece of paper that lists the numbers to the colors. This works great because it stays separate from the watercolor set. In the past, I wrote the color “name” on the swatch card and then over time it would get smudged and the words illegible.

Roben-Marie’s Custom Watercolor Palette

I have listed the colors in my palette but they are not linked. I do recommend the Daniel Smith Dot Card* determine which colors you like. Most of these listed are Daniel Smith.

Photo of Roben-Marie's custom watercolor palette

1: Serpentine Genuine
22: Rare Green Earth
23: Deep Sap Green
24: Undersea Green
17: Zoisite Genuine
21: Green Apatite Genuine
25: Perm. Green #2
26: Greenish Yellow
27: Peacock Green
28: Hermatite Genuine
29: Viridian
30: Hooker Green
31: Peryiene Green
35: Cobalt Violet
34: Shadow Violet
16: Carbazole Violet
20: Blue Apatite Genuine
19: Sodalite Genuine
8: Paynes Blue Gray
7: Cobalt Blue Violet
6: Indanthrone Blue
5: Ultramarine Blue
4: Raw Umber Violet
15: Cobalt Turquoise
33: Leaf Green
32: Shadow Green

36: Peacock Blue
37: Marine Blue
39: Burnt Umber
40: Quinacridone Gold
41: Raw Sienna
9: Aussie Red Gold
14: Quin. Sienna
10: Mayan Orange
11: Trans Pyrrol Orange
13: Quinacridone Fuchsia
42: Brilliant Orange
43: Vermillion
44: Cadmium Yellow Orange
45: Cadmium Yellow Deep
2: Quinacridone Coral
12: Carmine
47: Permanent Rose
48: Permanent Red
46: Brilliant Pink
49: Rose Madder
50: Rose of Ulta.
28: Hermatite Genuine* (listed twice)
38: Lunar Black
51: Opera Rose
3: Titanium White


*This site uses affiliate programs for monetization, which means when you click on links to various sites that I recommend in my posts and make a purchase, this can result in a commission that is credited to this site. I only recommend products I use myself. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

How to assemble your own custom watercolor palette could not be easier. While there are many lovely watercolor palettes on the market for purchase, creating a custom watercolor palette of your own means you get all the colors you love in one place. …

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