How to Create Amazing Bible Journal Pages with More Confidence
I am a living stone!
This week I'm excited to host the creative prompt for the His Kingdom Come Community which is comprised of a group of christian creatives who provide resources for art journaling, devotions, creative tutorials, classes and more. I am one of many artists contributing to Take Me Deeper-DNA 2016.
I selected "I Am a Living Stone" for my theme. I am reminded of what Peter tells us:
“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. ”
Bible Journaling My Way
I've admired a variety of Bible journaling artists over the last couple of years, so when I was invited to participate in this challenge, I was eager to say yes. I approached my contribution much like I art journal with a blend of paint, stamping, collage and sewing. Rather than journaling in a Bible I chose to use a handmade journal. I photo copied the scripture (page in the Bible) and glued it onto a page in my journal. I worked in my own style and method for a unique perspective that I hope will inspire you!
Follow along with my step-by-step tutorial for creating layered and messy mixed media Bible Journal pages with confidence!!
Let's Get Started!
One: Gather random text colored papers. Stamp images (I like these because they reminded me of stones) with black ink on to text paper.
Two: Adhere text and colored papers to your journal page with glue. Using white acrylic paint, smooth over the page with a palette knife.
Three: Photocopy the page in your Bible with your selected verse and adhere to page with adhesive.
Four: Using a Stabilo pencil add random marks around the page. Make marks with a regular pencil.
Five: Add colored stickers to the page.
Six: Add relevant image(s) with adhesive.
Seven: Create a little stack with random papers and stamped images and stitch, leaving loose threads.
Eight: Punch a hole in a tab, add a piece of sari or other type of ribbon. Attach the tab to the page with tiny attacher.
Nine: Add number stickers to highlight chapter and verse.
Ten: Add doodles and stamped image to enhance the page.
Eleven: Using a black pen, add doodle marks to the page. Use a Bic Wite-Out Pen to add white doodles.
Twelve: Using watercolor in a bright, complimentary color, highlight the verse you have selected.
Thirteen: Write or cut out words from a magazine or old book to create your statement.
Fourteen: Use pen, pencil and crayons to doodle and finish the page.
I love it when things are happening while I create that are not immediately noticeable to me.
•The picture of the rocks was torn from an Anthropologie Magazine. The rocks caught my eye and only later did I "see" the wooden cross in the bottom left of the photo.
•The stamps I chose are among my favorites and I use them a lot, but when I started placing them around the page, I realized how much they looked like stones. The stamps are not longer available for purchase.
After participating in this project I see how easy it is to incorporate the concept of Bible Journaling into my own style of art journaling. I love that I can create in a way I am comfortable with and express myself confidently.
Thanks so much for dropping by my space and I hope you were not only inspired but blessed by your visit. Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions or would like to share anything with me!
Have a blessed day!
Supplies Used
India Ink Pad
Water Well
Stabilo Marking Pencil
Black Gel Pen
BIC White Out Shake 'n Squeeze Pen
Acrylic Paint, White
Craft Tweezers
Uhu Glue Stick
Sari Silk Ribbon Yarn, Ivory
Plastic Painting Knives
Easy Attacher
Hole Punch
NOTE: Art Pops™ and Rubber Stamps are no longer available.
Come and join the faithart journey at His Kingdom Come! FREE weekly devotions, faithart inspirations, technique videos, faithart classes- combining techniques and bible study! Lots of faithart products– stencils, stamps, thermofax screens, canvas, and coloring books! If you were part of Take me deeper in 2015, please sign up for the 2016 Take me Deeper, so that you have access to the devotions, techniques and discussions! Free planner/journal pages are found here. Take Me Deeper will run through 2016 with the “I am statements” of Jesus and our Spiritual DNA. Join the conversation & be inspired by others in their Facebook group just for TMD.