Points of Two - Week Fifteen

Points of Two - Week Fifteen

Hello and welcome to week Fifteen of the Points of Two Project!  I was thinking this week about how much I want things to "just work" on the first attempt.  I am teaching myself how to sew and needle felt and as I select projects  and give them a try, I want it to work on the first try.  I know this is not reasonable and as I keep working at it I will get better!  I sent this quote by Benjamin Franklin to Kira this week to encourage her and as a reminder to myself.  It is our focus for this week:

“I didn't fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.”

Be sure to check out Kira's blog to see her page!

Roben-Marie's art journal page

Credits: Roben-Marie Smith: Journal Jumps #10; Jackie Eckles: Dingy Tabs; Mellow Yellow Kit; Kim B.: 1 Million Thank You's;  Trish Jones: Quick Journaling and Overdraft; Rhonna Farrer: 2PSLabels and Gypsy Monogram; K Studio and Creashens: About;  JM Designs: My 365 Days and Gypsy Couture: Date Rings.

Kira's art journal page

Points of Two is a year-long exploration into the differences in all of us. We aim to journal focusing on the same idea, but create very different pages – two points of view, two different styles, brought together to showcase the idea that there is no wrong way to journal and everything you create is art. Join us as we journal the year, creating and exploring the space between and discovering how small that gap really is. The "two" are: Me and Kira!